Friday, June 3, 2011

coincidence? maybe not

yesterday was my first day of classroom-ish time at cpe (clinical pastoral education - basically functioning as a chaplain).  when we went around to do introductions, my cpe supervisor introduced herself and mentioned that she was from slovakia (which i had learned in email introductions, where she had also mentioned that she had been a pastor in eastern slovakia).  she never mentioned where she was a pastor in emails, but when she introduced herself to our group, i discovered that she was a pastor in rankovce!!

before monika and lubo (my host parents) were pastors, there was another clergy couple who were pastors in rankovce and while i was in rankovce i had heard a bit about them, but not too much, so their names easily slipped out of my mind, until yesterday.  silvia and her husband were pastors of the church in rankovce and now she is my site supervisor.  how cool is that?

i'm excited to see where god takes me on this continuing journey.  somehow i don't think god is done with me and slovakia yet, and i'm ok with that :)